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RESSAR Reports and Analyses Center offers a new platform for policy makers, academics, local experts and journalists. It aims to contribute to the development of a culture of collaboration and to bring theoreticians and practitioners together. In line with this aim, we are pleased to provide reports and analyses on every subject in the field to everyone working in the field of social sciences.

1. Argumantative Essay: Should People Accept Banning Cigarettes An Essay Reported by Iman Saud Dhannoon

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    Dear Academicians,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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Eposta :ressjournal@gmail.com & articlesubmit@ressjournal.com

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