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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my work?

Authors may submit their work to the journal system and send them online.


What is the text template that sends the work?

All texts submitted to Ressjournal should be in the format specified by the journal.

Please read our publication guidelines before submitting your article.


Which file format is applied?

MS Word format is applied.


Which files are rejected without being evaluated?

Work is sent to other journals concurrently and incorrectly formatted works that do not comply with the Journal template are rejected.


Who is responsible for the content of your work?

Every writer referred to in the study is responsible for the content of the work.

Gelişmiş Arama




    Dear Academicians,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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Eposta :ressjournal@gmail.com & articlesubmit@ressjournal.com

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