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Yazar : ALİ BALALAN    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2023
Sayı : 79
Sayfa : 397-413
DOI Number: :
Cite : ALİ BALALAN , (2023). ARCHAIC WORDS IN THE 50TH VOLUME OF SÜLEYMAN-NAME. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 79, p. 397-413. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.3393.
613    755

XV. yy. late XVI. yy. Firdevsî-i Rumî , who lived at the beginning of the year, produced many works. The most important of these is Süleyman-nâme-i Kebir, which consists of the 81st volume. In this study, we identified the archaic/antiquated words in the 50th volume. The words used in ancient times that have fallen out of the spoken and written language are called archaic words. Since the Turkish language is spread over a very wide geography, it is inevitable that the words will change in terms of sound and shape. A large number of archaic words that we have identified in the work show the richness of the Turkish language and culture. These detected words are extremely important in terms of structural science.There are many elements of Turkish language and culture in this work. The work has an encyclopedic content in general. Different events and stories are told in the work. The language of the work is plain, clear and plain in general, excluding the Arabic-Persian phrases. There are many archaic words in Süleymanname. But we conducted our analysis based on only forty words. We discussed the meanings of these words and their changes in the historical process in the context of the semantic vocabulary of Turkish. At the same time, the change of these archaic words in time, their use in different derivatives are explained. Examples suitable for these uses are given in Süleyman-nâme. Firdevsî-i Rumî adhered to the tradition of linguistic features of Old Anatolian Turkish in Süleyman-nâme. It reflected Turkish culture and traditions. Therefore, archaic elements are frequently used in his work. Some of these archaic words are: ağıllanmak, delim, dükeli, depsermek, söyünmek, öküş, kığırmak, yunmak…

Anahtar Kelimeler
Eski Türk Edebiyatı, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi, Arkaik, Süleyman-nâme, Eskicil

XV. yy. sons of XVI. yy. Firdevsî-i Rumî, who lived in the beginning, staged many works. The most important of the pieces is Süleyman-nâme-i Kebir, which consists of the 81st volume. Archaic words in this 50th volume have been identified. The words used in ancient times that have fallen out of the spoken and written language are called archaic words. The archaic words found in the work show the richness of the Turkish language and culture. The Turkish language reflects the change in sound and form of its connections from its parts to a very wide geography. In this work, there are many places belonging to the Turkish language and culture. The work generally has an encyclopedic content. The language of the work is generally plain, clear and plain, not counting the Arabic-Persian phrases. There are many archaic words in Süleyman-nâme. Forty archaic word main task studies are carried out. The content of these words, their changes in the historical process, the content of the semantic vocabulary of Turkish are discussed. At the same time, the changing of these archaic words over time and their use in different derivatives are explained. Firdevsî-i Rumî remained dependent on the linguistic features of Old Anatolian Turkish in Süleyman-nâme. It reflected Turkish culture and traditions. Therefore, archaic benefit was used in his work. Combination of some of these archaic words: to tanlamak, to delim, to dukeli, to depresmek, to söyünmek, to öküş, to kığırmak,…

Old Turkish Literature, Old Anatolian Turkish, Archaic, Süleymanname, Antique

Gelişmiş Arama




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