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Yazar : Nadia Muttlaq Arma    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2022
Sayı : 74
Sayfa : 13-27
DOI Number: :
Cite : Nadia Muttlaq Arma , (2022). THE IRAQI FIGHTER SQUARE BRIDGE, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, A STUDY IN TRANSPORTATION GEOGRAPHY. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 74, p. 13-27. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.3260.
614    570

Traffic congestion on the roads has become a daily problem that the citizen suffers from, whether he is a worker, employee or student, especially during the period of the end of the daily official working hours, whether for students at various levels, employees, workers or the daily movement of citizens for the purpose of shopping and the like, especially in major cities, including the capital Baghdad in particular, being the city The first in the country in terms of population density, in addition to being the main center for all ministries and government institutions, so that the transportation movement in it continues throughout the days of the week, as well as recreational centers and economic activities as it is the economic center for the rest of the governorates for wholesale trade in various commercial activities.The phenomenon of traffic congestion appeared in Iraqi society, especially after the events of 2003, due to the increase in the number of vehicles and the spatial expansion of some commercial activities, as well as the increase in population density and the survival of the transportation network as it is without modernization, development or expansion, in a way that is not commensurate with the traffic movement on it, as well as the closure of some roads For security reasons, in addition to the deterioration of most of the transportation network roads in Baghdad in particular, and the governorates in general, all of these reasons led to the exacerbation of this phenomenon day after day and it became a permanent problem whose solutions are almost intractable because the development of the transportation network of road roads in Baghdad contradicts many obstacles, including the basic planning of the city of Baghdad is no longer the same This is an increase, especially the population increase, in addition to the fact that some roads conflict with the natural structure of the city of Baghdad from soil or terrain, especially the shoulder of the Tigris River, and others conflict with its construction with oil pipelines, all these obstacles and others made this phenomenon permanent with the daily life of the Iraqi citizen. But the concerned authorities are working hard to reduce this problem and provide solutions that fit the reality of the city and as far as possible, and among these solutions are the bridges under study that reduced this phenomenon, which we will address in this research, which is the bridge intersection of the Iraqi fighter square

Anahtar Kelimeler

Traffic congestion on the roads has become a daily problem that the citizen suffers from, whether he is a worker, employee or student, especially during the period of the end of the daily official working hours, whether for students at various levels, employees, workers or the daily movement of citizens for the purpose of shopping and the like, especially in major cities, including the capital Baghdad in particular, being the city The first in the country in terms of population density, in addition to being the main center for all ministries and government institutions, so that the transportation movement in it continues throughout the days of the week, as well as recreational centers and economic activities as it is the economic center for the rest of the governorates for wholesale trade in various commercial activities.The phenomenon of traffic congestion appeared in Iraqi society, especially after the events of 2003, due to the increase in the number of vehicles and the spatial expansion of some commercial activities, as well as the increase in population density and the survival of the transportation network as it is without modernization, development or expansion, in a way that is not commensurate with the traffic movement on it, as well as the closure of some roads For security reasons, in addition to the deterioration of most of the transportation network roads in Baghdad in particular, and the governorates in general, all of these reasons led to the exacerbation of this phenomenon day after day and it became a permanent problem whose solutions are almost intractable because the development of the transportation network of road roads in Baghdad contradicts many obstacles, including the basic planning of the city of Baghdad is no longer the same This is an increase, especially the population increase, in addition to the fact that some roads conflict with the natural structure of the city of Baghdad from soil or terrain, especially the shoulder of the Tigris River, and others conflict with its construction with oil pipelines, all these obstacles and others made this phenomenon permanent with the daily life of the Iraqi citizen. But the concerned authorities are working hard to reduce this problem and provide solutions that fit the reality of the city and as far as possible, and among these solutions are the bridges under study that reduced this phenomenon, which we will address in this research, which is the bridge intersection of the Iraqi fighter square


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