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The Islamic Economy is a scientific discipline that examines the economic problems of the society from a perspective of Islamic values. The 'Islamic economy' has attracted more attention, especially as economic relations have accelerated in recent years and the science of economics has become even more important. It has also become a scientific discipline where studies on this subject have been more sophisticated and studies comparing with other doctrines have accelerated. When the historical development of the Islamic economy is examined, it is seen that scientists have contributed to the field with many articles, papers, theses and books on topics such as basic values of Islam, understanding of ownership, morality and spirituality, interest and business partnerships. In the study titled 'The features and principles of the Islamic economy', the basic principles and basis of Islamic economics will be tried to be explained in order to better understand the elements different from contemporary economics so that they can be used in the works to be done on the subject. In this context, these basic features which reflect the meaning of the Islamic economy will be explained under different headings and it will be more clearly understood whether it is possible to add innovations to them.

Islamic Economy, Ownership, Interest Theory


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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