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The subject of this study was to analyze the perceptions of those high school adolescent identity and to create awareness about other identities. The study had two objectives are interrelated. The first is to analyze the perception of high school adolescents' identity and they are to be able to raise awareness about different identities with their own identities. The second objective is to develop solutions to live with differences over prospects. The study method was used in creative drama. Data collection techniques as reflective journals, student products, self-assessment form, participation and participant observation techniques were used together. The study was conducted in Ankara Eryaman High School attached to the Ministry of Education in Sincan district. A total of 20 high school is located in the zone 16-18 years studying in the eleventh grade adolescents in the study group were preferred. The main findings of the study are as follows: Adolescents ID describe mostly based on individual specifications. According to them the formation of identity mostly takes individual plane. Have physical disabilities, to have negative physical property and racial marginalization umeda / exclusion has been determined as effective factors. Have physical disabilities, to have negative physical property alienation and racial factors it has been determined as effective. Also working life in the public sphere Umeda marginalization / exclusion, while the gender discrimination emerged as the decisive factor as less decisive factor in marginalization that has emerged with physical disabilities. This working group them gain awareness, to respect each other, be observed that quite a positive contribution to adapt.

High school, adolescent, identity, difference, exclusion, drama.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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