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The concept of "virtue" which expresses good morality, modesty, valor, accuracy, etc., or the spiritual gravity of human beings which we can explain with the concept of what we mean by the general name of qualities or virtue, came through various stages to the present by being associated with many concepts, in general. From antiquity, the meanings which the philosophers gave different meanings at different times to the teachings of morality in all times and places. To be happy is to be "happy" in the answer given by thinkers to the question of "what is the meaning of life and human being", which is sitting in the head of the history of philosophy and is a concept that can be taken into consideration in relation to society, state, ruler and ruled. Antiquity thinkers who have expressed the virtue of being the only way to access happiness have left their place to a modern thought praising virtue. This thought has taken its place especially in politics. In our work we will be given through the history filter, from the sources of the people, from the city-state to the nation-state, in the pure religion of virtue or limited to human beings, whether or not they are in politics, the sources from which the thoughts that give the image of politics pollution and complexity.

Virtuousness, Virtuelessness, Western political thought, Politics.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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