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In Turkey, basic sciences have been in decline for a long time and since the quotas for basic sciences cannot be filled in, the departments are closed as a remedy. The Higher Education Council (YÖK), which is aiming to raise the reputation of basic sciences and to ensure that high score students prefer these departments, is doing various studies. However, in the entrance examination for higher education, hundreds of thousands of students may not be able to translate pages with questions, which may be related to entrance system and high school education. Interest in basic science cannot be achieved in secondary education and role models are not effective. Again, the education in secondary education schools is away from adaptive education and although the laboratory studies are important, these possibilities are very few. This situation prevents qualitified students from coming to basic sciences and even the physics and chemistry departments of universities in the east of Ankara does not find students. However, university education is not an individual process, but rather directly related to an individual's education and other processes. For this reason, good secondary school education will directly affect the quality of tertiary education positively. Rather than increasing the number of people who prefer these programs that are useful for the country, it is to ensure that students who have the necessary knowledge skills for basic science education choose, enroll, and receive good training in these programs. This may be possible with the identity enhancement of students to basic sciences. In this context, the aim of this study is to reveal the conceptual framework of physics identity to enable qualified students to orient basic sciences. The development of the physics identity of high school students will facilitate their orientation to the Physics and other basic sciences. According to the concept of physics identity, the elements that constitute physics identity are determined as performance, competence, recognition by others, and interest.

identity, physics identity, basic sciences, the physics


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    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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