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Turkish people have spreaded on a large area historically. They have left a mark on all the places they reach. The history of Turks begun in Central Asian Steppes. In reaction to the steppe culture, the human communities of Turks are hunter-nomad communities. The hunter-nomad comminuties make a living from stockfarming and apiculture. The deer is one of the essential animals for t he hunter-nomad communities in the daily life. Deer figures have been often observed in the stories of mythologic steppe. Mother-ancestor as an element of myht has been immortal and holly. We have been conforted by this characteristic in several stories and myths. In this study, by giving places to deer myths around the steppe culture, we dwell on the holly elements in the light of this myths

Steppe, Mitology, Deer, Sacred


Gelişmiş Arama




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