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The purpose of this study is to define the teachers’ views on the "Sound Based Sentence Method” and to determine the problems regarding this method and to put forward solutions. A two-phase questionnaire form developed by the authors has been used as a means to gather data in the study. The first part of the questionnaire form contains some individual information about the teachers and a five-scale likert type assessment tool developed by the authors and consisting 16 articles has been used in the second part of the study. The respondents’ views have been assessed in terms of their gender, age, civil service seniority, the faculties from which they have graduated and the branch variables. The study in descriptive research model has been carried out in a quantitative method and it has been conducted in accordance with the maximum variation sampling. The study group comprises 302 first-grade teachers working in 88 primary schools in five different districts (Mezitli, Yenişehir, Toroslar, Akdeniz, Erdemli) of the Mersin province. In the analysis of the data, “SPSS For Windows 20” package program has been used. While analyzing, descriptive statistical techniques (percentage, arithmetic mean) and parametric tests (t-test, analysis of variance) have been used. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the questionnaire is 0,674. The first-grade teachers have marked the "Agree" option as regards the effectiveness and efficiency of the sound based sentence method (??¯= 3,409). The study where the sound based sentence method is assessed on the basis of the teachers’ views has been evaluated in terms of the gender, age, seniority in the civil service, the number of students and the faculty from which they have graduated. While the teachers’ views do not show a statistically significant difference in terms of the gender, seniority in the civil service, the number of students and the faculty from which they have graduated, there is a significant difference in terms of the variation of age.

Sound Based Sentence Method, teacher, student


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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