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Teacher appointments according to the result of examination for public institutions in Turkey are based on Central Election Examination (KMS) at the date of 7th-8th July 2001. The name of KMS is changed as Public Personal Selection Examination (KPSS) at the date of 6th-7th July 2002, and the teacher candidates are appointed according to the results of examinations. Occasionally this examination system in which the teacher candidates attend is structurally changed. In this research, it is aimed to determine the point of views of teacher candidates related to General Aptitude Test, General Culture Test, Educational Sciences Test, Teaching Field Knowledge Tests on which they have solving responsibilities in Public Personal Selection Examination (KPSS )in order to be appointed as teachers in public schools. The determination of these points of views is important in terms of lightening of development of new models in appointments of teachers. This research is carried out on the qualitative research pattern. The study group is formed according to “diversity sampling” approach among the teacher candidates who attend to KPSS courses in the central townships of provinces of Ankara, Elazig, Diyarbakir, and the requested data in the research is collected by “semi-structured interview” technique from the teacher candidates who voluntarily attend to the research. The data is analysed by content analysis technique. In the research, according to the result, it is seen that in KPSS, the teacher candidates want the questions related to the current issues on Turkish grammar, history and geography, and the subjects in content with educational sciences test and teaching field knowledge since it is necessary for every teacher to know them. Moreover, the result is received that the teaching field knowledge test is not equal for all the branches in the content of the test, and this creates an unfair situation among the branches. Finally, it is received as a result that teacher candidates do not want to be appointed according to the points they received from KPSS only, they want the evaluation of their bachelor’s degree points, their apprenticeship points for their appointments in order to be teacher.

KPSS, teacher appointments, teacher opinions.


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