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regarding undergraduate piano education. The main purpose of the study was determined as the investigation of the learning outcomes obtained from piano education included in "the Higher Education Council 2018 Music Teaching Undergraduate Program" from the perspective of the expectations of music teacher candidates in the process of training music teachers. The study is important in terms of evaluating the process of training music teachers in relation to the determination of the expectation status of music teacher candidates regarding piano education given in institutions that train music teachers. The study was conducted at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Bursa Uludag University, Balikesir University, and Trakya University in the 2022/2023 academic year and 2023/2024 academic year. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of T.R. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Rectorate, Institute of Graduate Education with the decision dated 20.10.2022 and numbered 17/62. The sample group of the study, in which the "descriptive method" was used to determine the expectation status of music teacher candidates regarding undergraduate piano education, consisted of 80 music teacher candidates studying in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years in institutions that train music teachers. In the study, it was determined that the expectation level regarding the piano education given during undergraduate education was high in terms of acquiring adequate and required technical knowledge and skills in the process of training music teachers and that the piano course included in the "Council of Higher Education 2018 Music Teaching Undergraduate Program" was found to be insufficient by music teacher candidates in terms of weekly course hours and total annual course hours. It was also determined that the expectations of the music teacher candidates from piano education were high in terms of the provision of sufficient equipment in training music teachers.

Music, Music Education, Piano, Piano Education.


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