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When the history of preschool education in Turkey is analyzed, it is seen that it has a history of approximately 100-120 twenty years. Preschool education in Turkey has become increasingly important and accessible, reaching both urban and remote areas. These institutions contribute to the holistic development of children, preparing them for the future, allowing them to express themselves and discover their talents. The early stages of a child's development are crucial in shaping their personality and preschool education serves as a starting point for their academic journey through the national education system. Preschool education is provided in institutions with a structured curriculum for children aged 3-6 years. Its aim is to raise individuals who can express themselves, make decisions, respect rights and have self-control. These institutions improve children's learning and correct their deficiencies and misbehaviors. Today, it is necessary to draw lessons from the past in order to realize preschool education effectively and to plan for the future. For this reason, problems should be addressed historically and the aspects that are evaluated as positive should be developed by solving these problems. In this study, the problems experienced by preschool administrators were examined. A compilation study was conducted within the framework of the studies in the literature. The results show that identifying and solving the problems in preschool management is important for the smooth functioning of schools. The general problems of preschools in Turkey include program, personnel, management, supervision, budget preparation and physical conditions. The main problems in preschools are limited physical facilities and inadequate teacher and principal qualifications.

Kindergarten, Education Management, Education Problem, Preschool Education


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