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While the moral goodness level of the person is defined as virtuousness, the behaviors exhibited in order to ensure the continuity of virtuousness within the organization they are affiliated with and to be accepted by all organizational members are defined as organizational virtuousness. Organizational culture, on the other hand, is defined as the set of actions or principles that are effective on and adopted by the employees of the organization, revealing the basic values and beliefs of any structure that have come from the past or learned later. Entrepreneurship activities that businesses have developed in order to gain an advantage over their competitors by going beyond the current order with an innovative and distinctive point of view at all levels of business structures, to make use of the opportunities correctly, in order for businesses to have a place for themselves in the new world order are defined as corporate entrepreneurship. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational virtue, organizational culture and corporate entrepreneurship and to reveal its effects and results. The main result of the study; there is a significant and positive relationship between organizational virtuousness and organizational culture and corporate entrepreneurship. In addition, it was determined that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between organizational culture and corporate entrepreneurship.

Organizational Virtuousness, Organizational Culture, Corporate Entrepreneurship


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