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The roots of Balıkesir University Necatibey Faculty of Education date back to Karesi Darülmuallimîni, which was established in October 1910. Therefore, the institution has approximately one hundred and thirteen years of educational experience. It is important and worth examining how this experience creates an institutional structure. In this study, the institutional identity of Necatibey Faculty of Education was revealed through correspondences. In the meantime, the correspondence culture of the period was also discussed. Therefore, a social history reading was carried out in the study. In the study, in which the document analysis method was adopted within the scope of the qualitative research approach, the correspondences in the files with documents about students in the Necatibey Faculty of Education Archive was taken into account. It has been revealed on which subjects and between whom these correspondences were made. In addition, considering the period studied, it was examined by which institutional units and by which method and writing style the correspondence texts were created. At the end of the study, through the correspondence, the culture and identity of the institution and the process followed by the period in terms of correspondence is presented in detail, based on documents. In this direction, suggestions were made on the preservation and organization of the institution's archives and on doing more archival studies.

Necatibey Faculty of Education, Correspondences, History of Education.


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