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Examination of the employees' expectations for compulsory occupational health and safety training in dangerous workplaces and their opinions about the received training
This study aims to examine the employees' expectations for compulsory occupational health and safety training in dangerous workplaces and to determine the opinions about the training received. Participants of the study consist of 35 voluntary employees. In order to collect data, two separate open-ended questionnaires were developed by researchers. One form was administered before the basic occupational health and safety training and other one was delivered to participants at the end of the training. Responses to the survey questions were collected in writing. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis and themes and codes were determined. As a result, leading causes of participation to occupational health and safety training are to meet legal requirements and to get avoid potential punishment in the future by learning the legal regulations. In addition, it was observed that employees prefer to have a practical and visually enhanced training that includes instructions about their own special tasks.

Occupational Health and Safety Training, Employee Training, Occupational safety training audience


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