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As a determinant of individual development and social development, the benefit that is expected from the education system is directly related to the professional competencies that teachers have. The digital competencies, which are among the competencies teachers should have, have become more important and more prominent in today's conditions than in the past years. In this respect, the research aims to determine the digital competency levels of teachers and to see if they differ in the context of some variables. The universe of the research conducted within the scope of the stated purpose is 1643 teachers in 69 educational institutions in the Ordu province of Unye in 2021-2022 academic year. The sample consists of 320 teachers, which are determined by taking into account the 0.5 confidence ranges and using the appropriate sampling method. The Teacher Digital Competency Scale was used as a data collection tool in research. On a scale, Security, Data literacy, problem solving, Digital content production, There are 46 articles under 6 factors, communication and collaboration and ethics. The analysis of the answers obtained was used for t-test and ANOVA testing. The post-hoc Scheffe test has been performed to determine which groups are differentiated in the context of variables detected as differentiation. The study concluded that teachers have a high level of digital competency across the scale. In addition, the levels of digital competency that teachers have have shown no differentiation based on gender, education and school type, while the level of vocational seniority and foreign language information has been determined to be different.

Teacher, digital competency, educational technology


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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