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References of the female body in the drawings of the artist Afifa Laibi Abstract of the research / This research means studying the references of the female body of the artist Afifa Laibi, which she borrows through bold and influential formulations in her artistic achievement, as this artist was able to embody her intellectual and cultural impressions through the woman’s body, as the references contributed to the diversity of The topics and the breadth of metaphors resulted in a multiplicity of reading and interpretation, as well as a multiplicity of foundational data in her formation, which made the artist’s ideas overlap with new contemporary ideas and methods that keep pace with the times. The woman is one of the most used elements in the cultural and artistic discourse because it carries multiple meanings and values. The objectives of the research are summarized in identifying the intellectual and cultural concepts and their impact on the artist’s work, as well as assisting scholars and researchers in the field of art and enriching them with research and knowledge on the subject of the female body in painting. The objectives of the research are summed up in revealing About the references to the compressor of the female body, and the limits of the research were limited to the period between 2004 to 2013, with the adoption of The artist’s artworks with definitions of some terms. The second chapter included three sections about me, the first of which is with reference as a concept, the second topic is body language in art, and the third topic included the references of the female body in the paintings of the artist, Afifa Laibi, and the third chapter represented the follow-up procedures in the research community, analysis of samples, and adoption of the approach The descriptive analytical as well as the analysis system as a tool for research. The fourth chapter included the results of the research, conclusions, recommendations, suggestions and a list of sources.

Anahtar Kelimeler
References, The female body, Afifa Laibi.


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