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The research includes the study of the role of free markets in the development of agricultural production in Iraq for the play of an active and significant role in the events of this development through knowledge of the importance of such a for the Su A s in influencing the strength of competition for agricultural production, remote of the market is usually grown yields bear the cost of Transport to markets. Therefore, the research interest was focused on knowing what is meant by them and what is the difference between them and the free zones as well as the elements of their establishment and their advantages, and then touching on their role in bringing about agricultural development in Iraq through which a sustainable development that includes all the country's economic sectors. The most important conclusion reached by the research is despite the availability of free markets in Iraq is not that e did not achieve the desired goals, for reasons of the most important, the weakness of the experience of officials in the free zone management, and the lack of completion of infrastructure have the required level, as well as the lack of appropriate political stability. As for the most important proposals, they were represented in increasing the tendency to pay attention to this human factor and developing it, especially in relevant government institutions, and to hold seminars and workshops. He worked to train farmers to benefit from the services provided by the markets and free zones. The research ended with reference to the most important office and electronic references adopted in covering the research content.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Free markets, development, production, agricultural.


Gelişmiş Arama




    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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