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Each theme in the textbooks is aimed at gaining certain gains. End-of-theme evaluation studies can be used to measure whether some of these achievements have been gained. While measuring and evaluating, it is very important whether the questions measure the cognitive levels, the types of the questions and the achievements they aim for. While measuring and evaluating, it is very important whether the questions measure the cognitive levels, the types of the questions and the achievements they aim for. In this study, the post-theme evaluation studies of the 5th Grade Turkish Textbook of Anıttepe Publications and the 8th Grade Turkish Textbook of the MEB Publishing House were examined using the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, according to the Renewed Bloom Taxonomy, measurement tool question types and the achievements in the 2019 Turkish Curriculum. The results obtained were interpreted and tabulated by the document analysis method. As a result of the research, it was determined that the number of the end-of-theme study questions of the 5th grade was more than that of the 8th grade, that most of the questions addressed to low-level skills, and the most comprehension steps were included among the low-level skills. Although contemporary questions are included in the 5th grade, traditional measurement types are generally used, and the most multiple-choice questions are asked among the traditional measurement types; It was found that all of the end-of-theme studies of the 8th grade were written with the traditional question type and the most open-ended questions were included in this type of question. It has been determined that the end-theme studies measure the achievements of reading and writing skills. Among the reading and writing skills, the most questions were asked about the acquisition of reading skills. Some of the achievements of these skills were not measured in the end-of-theme studies.

Theme evaluation questions, renewed bloom taxonomy, question type, Turkish learning outcomes.


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