Hızlı Erişim

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Influences between artists and works have an important role in shaping the literary accumulation. The theory of intertextuality, which first comes to mind at this point, can undoubtedly be exemplified in a very broad framework. The fact that the influence takes place between different literary genres also reminds the issue of intergenreality, which can be considered from this perspective. Turkish literature, especially with the period of innovation in which it is diverse in terms of genres and understandings, offers products in which the influences between artists and the relationship between texts or genres can be questioned. Şükran Kurdakul, who is a versatile man of literature, but stands out with his poet identity, is a name that draws attention with his originality as well as his continuity in poetry in the socialist generation. Kurdakul, who was not unfamiliar with the poetic pursuits of the era, presents an interesting example in terms of relations between genres and texts with his poetry book, Ölümsüzlerle (With Immortals), published in 1985. As a matter of fact, in this book, it is seen that the poet was inspired by some fictional characters, mostly novel characters, by reading and being influenced by Turkish literature and World literature. In the section of the book titled "Alacakaranlıktakiler (Those in the Twilight)"; we come across poems based on novels Halit Ziya's Mâî ve Siyah (1897), Yakup Kadri's Yaban (1932), Halide Edip's Sinekli Bakkal (1936) and Yaşar Kemal's Ortadirek (1960). In this study, which examines the poems in question and the novels from which the poems originate, the reflections of fictional personalities are evaluated. In this framework, primarily the poet's perception of the characters of the novel and his reinterpretation of them in his own world of ideas and feelings are emphasized. In addition, it has been tried to determine how the characters belonging to the novel world are handled in the face of the requirements of a different literary genre and the distance of the poems to the narrative style.

Şükran Kurdakul, Ölümsüzlerle (With Immortals), Intergenreality, Novel and Poetry, Intertextuality.


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