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Nathalie Sarraute’un “Enfance” Adlı Eserinin İngilizce ve Türkçe Çevirilerinin Değerlendirilmesi
In this study, the English and Turkish translations of the autobiographical work "Enfance" (Childhood) written in 1983 by the French writer Nathalie Sarraute, one of the representatives of the New Roman, will be evaluated within the framework of the literary translation criticism. The criticism will be a holistic evaluation rather than false hunting. The work will be dealt with in the context of non-text and in-text elements based on Anton Popovic’s views. Non-text elements consist of many characteristics of the countries where the work was written and translated such as historical,social,political context and lives of the authors and translators. In-text elements iclude the theme of the work, the literary movement to which it belongs (New Roman), and this movement’s reflection to target literatures -Turkish and English Literature-. After the Popoviç-based evaluation, a stylistic review will be carried out based on the criticism method developed by Leo Spitzer. In order to make better this assessment , the study will include basic information about translation-literature relationship, literary translation and literary translation criticism. In addition, the efficiencies that literary translator and literary translation critic should have will be mentioned partly. In conclusion, this work, in which Sarraute tells about her childhood years, and Turkish-English non-text and in-text elements will be evaluated within the framework of stylistic structuring. In the belief that the social presence of the translator as well as the author should be included in the translation criticism, Anton Popoviç’s and Leo Spitzer’s views will be based on.

Nathalie Sarraute, literary translation, literary translation criticism, Leo Spitzer, Anton Popoviç


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    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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