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The Qur'an, which he revealed to his Prophet Muhammad, is a great blessing to the people of his time, as well as to all mankind who will live in later periods, for the sake of living their lives by understanding his teachings and reforming their societies. Therefore, He has blessed a great book of life such as the Qur'an to solve the difficult equations of life in the light of the Qur'an, to understand, research and live his visions, strategies and opinions. On the occasion of this great grace, people strive to solve the realities and philosophy of life. From the first day the Qur'an began to become nazil, it aimed to create an exemplary society free from inaccuracies in all matters, especially faith, worship and morality. The people of Mecca believed in God, but they thought he was in the sky. They did not want him to interfere in his worldly affairs, as the current deists, while accepting Him as a God who sends down water from the sky, provides for it, and creates it. They disbelieved in the Hereafter and thought life was the world. They accepted the angels, but they saw them as the daughters of Allah. A broken belief system brought with it a broken sense of worship. There was arbitrariness about halal and haram. They considered the lawful to be unlawful and the unlawful to be lawful. In this study, we will examine how and how the Qur'an performs rehabilitation of the society it deals with and goes on to rehabilitate.

Commentar, Society, Amendment, Reform, Role.


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    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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