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In Turkey, different structural features have been preferred according to the conjuncture in the structure of law enforcement agencies to ensure public order. At first, law enforcement agencies with military discipline, training, and equipment were used, and civilian organizations were included. In addition, the fact that law enforcement agencies have a multiple or single structure also varies from country to country, and although there are organizations that are single or multiple and have a purely military structure. The opposite is also possible, and it is also seen that multiple law enforcement agencies are used in a hybrid structure. Thus, a hybrid system has been adopted in Turkey since the establishment of the Republic. General law enforcement services have been carried out with the ingenuity of the police and gendarmerie agencies. In this study, institutional and structural differences will be examined by considering the dual law enforcement structure. The qualifications of the two law enforcement agencies and the problems arising from the dual structure were discussed within the scope of the study.

Public security, gendarmerie, police, security, law enforcement


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