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One of the increasing study topics in the field of political parties in recent years is on the level of effectiveness of party ideologies and leaderships in the domestic and foreign political field of countries. However, it can be argued that political parties, as a political-institutional tool, bring along new political understandings and practices with conjunctural promises and discourses in the realization of various political ideologies. In this study, it is tried to put forward an original effort to make sense of the increasing populism and jingoism in the world at the political level. In this respect, it is very important to understand the motives of the populist and jingoist political discourses and practices that dominate a country. Nevertheless, this study aims to contribute to such a discussion area. In this study, it is stated that the polarization and conflict politics experienced in democratic and non-democratic regimes and their various types are seen as the product of a populist and jingoist understanding through various political figures and political parties. In parallel with the development of modern political parties in the West, it has been determined that since the 19th century, parties and the political ideologies of populism and jingoism have progressed and found meaning together. This determination is conservative, liberal, socialist, etc. It is revealed that populism and jingoism in a field beyond ideologies and within them can produce meaning in a new ideological context. In this context, various examples in the Americas and Europe will be analyzed and discussed together with many examples in the Asian continent today.

Political parties, populism, jingoism, ideology, politics.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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