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The research dealt with contemporary design styles and their role in enhancing the heritage identity of the industrial product due to its importance in the design of heritage industrial products of different shapes, colors, as well as their materials. The research includes four chapters. The first is the research problem. The question lies in what are the contemporary design styles that enable us to enhance the heritage identity of the local industrial product? while the importance of the research is to open horizons of knowledge for designers and industrial institutions and to benefit from the results in promoting local industrial products by making them bear the characteristics of the old and the modern. The goal is to identify contemporary design styles that enhance the heritage identity of the industrial product to achieve the cultural communication of the industrial product between the past and the present. As for the limits, it is the study of design styles. The second chapter included the theoretical framework that included three topics, the first of which is contemporary design styles and its relationship to the heritage identity of industrial products and the second is the factors affecting the design method. The third is the design styles and their role in reviving the heritage of industrial products as well as the frame of indicators. While the third chapter dealt with the research methods as it followed the descriptive approach in analyzing the research sample in order to achieve the goal of the research in addition to analyzing the sample. and the fourth chapter included the results as the models appeared in a new design styles through the process of change that occurred to them in order to keep pace with the environmental and social variables while preserving In the old style and its local character, the conclusions are the emergence of models in various forms that led to harmony between straight, curved and arched lines, as well as geometric shapes, thus achieving the stylistic variable in designing the sample. For the past and the present according to roots and a cultural depth, the proposals are to study the mechanisms of the design style variables and its relationship to the formal transformation in the design of heritage products.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Design Styles, Contemporary, Identity, Heritage.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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