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Muhammad Abbas is considered one of the pioneers of the Libyan immigrants in Tunisia who has a role in the Libyan national movement, as he participated in the Libyan jihad movement against the Italian occupation before his immigration, and he has joined the troops of the armed resistance against the Italians where he became an officer in the regular army of the Mujahideen (Muslim fighters) forces in Misrata under command of Saadoun Al-Swaihli, and participated in the battles of Saturday, Sabkha, Ahmad's palace, Suwani Al-Awkali, Polytheist, Al Karaiem and others. After the Libyans occupied Misrata after the withdrawal of the Mujahideen from Al Karaiem battle in October 1923 AD, such battle for which the Italians prepared a strong campaign of soldiers and the means of war, leading to the martyrdom of large numbers of Mujahideen, so some of them headed to Sadad then to Sirte and another number of them joined Mujahid Omar Al-Mukhtar, and other troops headed to the south through the desert as Muhammad Ibn Abbas was among them, where he headed to Silas wells south of Sinawin and from there through the boundaries with a number of his comrades to Tunisia at the end of 1924 AD where he stayed there about twenty years, throughout such period he studied at Azzaytuna University as he and his comrade Ahmed Zaram the executive committee of the Tripoli - Barquia communities in Tunisia in 1929 AD which has great role in getting acquainted with the Libyan issue and the horrors of the Italian colonialism in Libya. The research highlights the personality of Muhammad Ibn Abbas and his role in the Libyan national movement, as it aims to answer the historical questions represented in: who is Muhammad Ibn Abbas? How did he join the regular army and the most important battles he joined to face the Italian colonialism? How did he establish the executive committee of the Tripoli - Barquia communities and his role in it? What are the reasons for his returning back to his homeland and his most important works he performed? To clarify the subject, the research was divided into the following points: •First: Muhammad Muhammad Abbas: His birth, upbringing and scientific formation. •Second: participation of Muhammad Ibn Abbas in the Libyan jihad movement against the Italian colonialism. •Third: immigration of Muhammad Ibn Abbas to Tunisia and establishment of the executive committee of the Tripoli - Barquia communities in Tunisia. •Fourth: returning back of Muhammad Ibn Abbas to homeland and his joining to the General National Congress Party.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Libyan National Movement, Muhammad Muhammad Abbas, Italian Occupation.


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