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In this study, in addition to the depth of the literary style, a comparison was made between the works named "Utopia" by Thomas More and "New Atlantis" by Francis Bacon, which are important sources that leave a mark on history in both philosophy and politics. This comparison is based on determining the similarities and/or differences between Thomas More's work "Utopia" and Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" through the main themes of fiction, main characters, language and style, purpose and subjects. In addition, under the heading of topics, the "army and soldiers, social life, economic system, legal system, private property right, political and religious structure" are explained separately. Thomas More's Utopia 16. it consisted of the complex social class divisions brought about by the Renaissance and reform in the century, the criticism it brought to politicians, and how the ideal society would work. Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, on the other hand, was considered appropriate to compare these two books, as it offered suggestions that people should turn to nature and science, along with the reduction of social dissociation immediately after this turbulent period. As the study is aimed at determining the situation in its current state, it is descriptive research.

Thomas More, Utopia, Francis Bacon, the New Atlantis, book comparison


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