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In order to arrive at the basic paths of the research topic marked "employing heritage elements in the design of contemporary interior spaces", the research problem was thus identified: the extent to which the use of heritage symbols and elements in designing contemporary spaces and the extent of the intellectual and expressive implications of this procedure from the point of view of international standards in designing spaces Interior.? The researcher also defined the goal of the research as follows: To uncover the direct and indirect formal consequences in the design of internal spaces and the effectiveness of local heritage elements that would secure a contemporary visual scene that calls for contemplation of past values and their positives in the community of the recipients. As well as defining the research boundaries, which were represented by the ranges of the subject elected according to the field of interior design within the presidential palaces buildings for the period 1988-2019. As for the theoretical framework, it included a study: the concept and importance of heritage and the approach to reviving and employing heritage in contemporary interior design. The research also included the research procedures of adopting the descriptive approach and choosing the community made up of presidential palaces in Iraq, and how to elect a sample from it, as well as building the research tool, demonstrating its validity and testing its stability by external researchers and analysts. And after applying the tool to the selected models for the purpose of analysis, a group of results emerged importantly: - Most of the samples emphasized contemporary by drawing inspiration from the past and employing heritage elements in their interior designs and by realizing the concept of originality and the fact that authenticity and contemporary are inseparable. - The design character was achieved as a result of employing the heritage elements in the interior designs through the set of employed heritage elements that distinguished their design topics from others depending on a set of influences (theme, materials, construction, environment, climate, and the personality of the designer.



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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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