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The purpose of this study is to examine the metacognition of teacher candidates according to the variables of gender, department, academic average and order of preference. The method of the research is the scanning method, one of the quantitative research types. The work universe of the research consists of teacher candidates studying at the education faculty of a state university in the Mediterranean Region. The sample consists of 246 people who voluntarily participated in the study and were determined by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected with the metacognitive scale. In analysis of data, Independent groups t test, One Way Analysis of Variance, Post-Hoc. and Kruskall Wallis analyzes were used. According to the results of study, a significant difference were found in favor primary school and science teacher candidate according to the department and in favor 1 – 5 and 6 – 10 according to the order of preference variables. There were no statistically significant difference in terms of gender and academic average variables.

Metacognition, Cognition, Pre-Service Teachers


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