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Theatrical texts are distinguished by the aesthetics of intellectual and cultural creativity and the mechanisms of technical diversity for writing texts with characteristics that distinguished them from the various literary and theatrical texts, which made them characterized as creative.Dramatic writers seek to create new creative styles that add poetry aesthetics to the recipien. Hybridization is one of the techniques used in theatrical script writing techniques in postmodern arts.From here emerges the problem of the current research with the following question: What are the mechanisms of creative aesthetic hybridization of contemporary Iraqi texts and plays.The importance of the research lies in knowing the mechanics of hybridization and aesthetic creativityThe process of producing theatrical texts and revealing the characteristics of aesthetic creativity, intellectually and technically, for the contemporary Iraqi theatrical text. The limits of the research are determined. Objectively: the aesthetics of textual creativity and hybridization mechanisms in contemporary theatrical Iraqi texts Literary creativity date: 2010- 1990. The second chapter covered the research framework and included two topics:The mechanisms of aesthetic creativity of the theatrical text.Hybridization mechanisms for writing the theatrical text.As for the third chapter, it included the research community which was determined by ten contemporary Iraqi theater texts The researcher chose the sample of the research and was represented by the play (Monument of Freedom) by Khazal Al-Majdi, in order to achieve the goals of the research..As for the fourth chapter, it includes the results of the research, its conclusions, and the most important results Adopting the aesthetic hybridization method by investing the Iraqi Freedom icon and one of the most prominent and famous art works (Freedom Monument) as a title and content for its text and the facts of its events. Devising the idea of the theatrical text from social and political reality mixed with the symbols of religions and ancient myths.The writer used the method of intellectual displacement and to evade the expectations of the recipient with openness and interpretation of its significance.Seeing the future with revolutionary intellectual visions freedom seeks to crossbreed the text by investing the place and time of the events of the text in creative ways It breaks the barriers of time and makes the recipient live the moments of the occurrence of events by forming various mental images.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Aesthetics, creativity, crossbreeding, dialogue, theatrical text.


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