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Medical and cosmetic experiments carried out on thousands of live animals every day, the actions of animals that are kept and imprisoned in circus and zoos and forced to perform certain behaviors, being forced to fight against hunger and bad living conditions instead of being protected in shelters by being exposed to many torture, has reached the torture dimension in terms of animals. People's intervention in existence by disrupting the ecological balance for their own interests and ignoring living creatures in nature, by ignoring that animals are living creatures, they have the ability to suffer by counting animals created for them, the idea of some animal lovers and activists has been raised and the idea of protecting animals and securing this protection has been brought to the agenda. The purpose of this study; the violence suffered by animals and animal welfare on the basis of the work done for animal rights and duties in this matter at which point the municipalities in Turkey, is the attitude and approach to examine the legal framework. Animal Rights Universal Declaration, which had in Turkey 5199 Animal Protection Law and the Law on Misdemeanors, including how the laws tend to accept and maintain the existence of the rights of animals effectively and animals to be examined whether it is adequate protection, ın the recent period, the new draft law that was brought to the agenda with the efforts of animal rights defenders will be examined, and the perspectives of animal rights activists will be evaluated. In this context, primary and secondary resource counting, surveys and reports will be used. The investigations will be in the form of a case study, and the work done with the municipality will be in the form of field research. sanctions; whether it is sufficient to prevent animal abuse and violations of rights, how ethical rules are applied and the perspective of the society will be observed, deficiencies in national legislation will be revealed.

Right, Animal Rights, Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, Animal Rights Act, Misdemeanor Law, M


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