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This article aims to illustrate the artistic and intellectual foundations of today's digital technologies, iPhone and iPad, by looking at the new perspectives developed by David Hockney, known as Pop-Art artist and a canvas painter, in art products produced with contemporary technologies. It is seen that most of the artistic innovations come with changes in forms, styles and techniques that accompany new thoughts and ideas. Starting from the 1960s, it will not be wrong to say that computer technology has an increasing role in the change of art. Since the 2000s, there have been studies showing that the environment in which artists put their works together as new technologies has changed gradually. Although the paint, canvas and brush, which have been the raw material of art or painting for many years, remain the same, it is seen that many artists who take technological developments into consideration have started to change these materials. Actually known as a Pop-Art artist, David Hockney is one of the rare artists who can successfully apply various materials from photography to iPad by using his unique artistic and aesthetic perspective in addition to his drawings and canvases made with traditional materials. Hockney used technology as a tool for artistic purposes without being dependent on technology. What distinguishes him from other artists is his ability to develop a unique artistic perspective that breaks artistic and intellectual patterns through his works with photographs, photocopies, faxes, iPhone and iPad, although he never gave up on canvas painting throughout his art life.

Keywords: David Hockney, iPad, iPhone, Digital Art, Digital Painting.


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