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Since the existence of mankind has questioned the earth, himself and the nature in which he lives, and he has given him changing meanings from time to time. Humanity, which is still continuing its search efforts, has found its way to express itself by concentrating more on literature. The effort of human beings exists to give meaning to life. The developments and changes in the world are reflected in the literary world. The universal emotions of man have changed expression according to the circumstances but have not changed its existence. In addition to these changes, the authors expressed themselves about the developments in the world, common feelings, human suffering and love. Literature and art have transformed itself with people and the images of reality have diversified. In literature it was expressed by the novel, poetry and story which also reflected in painting, theater and cinema. Between the I and the II World Wars, the literary movement of Surrealism in Europe developed. Surrealism was a path that unified consciousness and unconscious, and in this integration the imaginary world and real life were intertwined in the sense of “absolute truth” or “surreal”. For Andre Breton, the theorist of surrealism, the unconscious was the primary source of his imagination, and the genius was his ability to enter this unconscious world. Surrealism without any control of the mind, without any custom, moral and aesthetic pressure, it was an interpretation of the inner voice of the human being, which was the interpretation of his own existence and an understanding of art that caused the emergence of artifacts in its original meaning. Many art people find their search in this literary movement and express themselves in it. One of them was Paul Eluard. In this paper it will be discussed the literary works of Paul Eluard, one of the famous poets of the XXth century, as the subject of universality and will be examined his approach to universal issues through his works.

Paul Eluard, Surrealism, literary movements


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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