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The Research of Cahit Ucuk’s Works In Terms of Suitability for Child Principle: The Example of Gümüs Kanat.
Cahit Ucuk, one of the key authors of Turkish literature, has attracted attention with his children’s novels. Having written novels, stories, poems, poetic and prose tales especially for his beloved children, he won Hans Christian Andersen Award with the 28th book (The Turkish Twins) of the world's greatest children's classics “Twins Series” and this book was translated into several world languages including English. The present study examines the work of Cahit Ucuk entitled “Gümüş Kanat” (Silver Wing) in terms of the child-appropriateness principle. This principle is addressed under two main categories such as design and content features. Under the design features; the quality of paper and volume, the layout of pictures and texts on the front and back pages, font size used in the work, page layout, and the quality of pictures are examined and interpreted. In terms of content features, whether the work uses topics and themes which draw students' attention and their interests, the characteristics of the heroes, the harmony of pictures and contents, clarity and fluency of the language, the condition of the words and sentences are specified and interpreted.

Gümüş Kanat (Silver Wing), child-appropriateness principle.


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