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The aim of this study to make the 30 final competition match technical analyze and determine the technical capacity of young talent in the Junior Free Style Wrestling Group Championships. This study was held in the Corum on February 15-16, 2014, 245 athletes participated from 22 provinces to the Junior Freestyle Wrestling Group Championships. Competition technical analysis study conducted in 10 different kg included 30 medal competitions. The competition 30 matches with the pre-prepared form with observation was recorded by two researchers, recordings were obtained from the technical analysis. In the competition developing ending time, way of winning, obtaining scores, ground and standing techniques level of success, objections and warning notice improved competitions technical analysis form was recorded. In statistical analysis, for each parameter percentage distribution and percentages are calculated by per match. The total duration of the competitions lasted 97.45 minutes, while the average per match was 3.24 minutes. In the competition most match winning rate was 70 % with the scores while winning match rate was 16.6 % with the pins. In the competitions way of the winning match with the scores was observed very high. Lightweight and middleweight wrestlers rate of succeed technic on the standing position found higher, in heavyweight wrestlers on the standing position they were made less faulty technic. In this study advised to reconsider technical training of wrestling coaches based on the results obtained.

Wrestling competition, free style, technical analyze


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