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The Estblan basin is located within the administrative boundaries of Dohuk Governorate, northern Iraq, between longitudes (- 42°42°58 '30" 44 ' 00) E, and latitudes (37° 21' 00 - 37° 13' 00) N, its area (188) km2 and it runs within a steep slope area. The problem of the study lies in the lack of detailed studies on the surface runoff volume and its flow risks in the study area and the ways to treat it. Moreover, the study aims to calculate the surface runoff volume using the Soil Conservation Service-Curve number (SCS-CN) method. The results of the spatial variance analysis showed that there is a variation in the surface runoff volume in the study area, as the quality of the rocks that pass through it, the uses of the land, and the hydrological condition of the soil are all factors that largely control the volume of runoff. Furthermore, it was found that there is a variation between the secondary basins in the surface runoff volume, where the highest volume of runoff was 202 m3 / s in the main basin, while the lowest values were recorded in the Karin basin, reached 18 m3 / s. It was found that the region varied in the severity of the flood from one basin to another, where Estblan valley basin was classified as a high-risk secondary basin, while the Merses Basin was a medium risk, and the (Hauraki and Karin) basin was low risk.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Geographic information system, Hydrology, Surface runoff, Risks


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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