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Ebû’l Kâsım Mahmûd bin Omar al-Zamakhshari one of the leading figures in Arabic language and literature is a Turkish scholars who grew up in region of Khwarizm and has written works such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, grammar, vocabulary, proverbs, procedures, prosody, poetry showing that the experts in this field. For a period of residence in Mecca “Carullah” was nicknamed. Although al-Zamakhshari isn’t Arabian, is quite a dominant scholar to Arabic language. Besides linguist identity, he is also strong a literary scholar. Therefore, with the scientific values of the works he wrote, there seems to be a very rich as literary. He has earned admiration of people everywhere he travels to differnt regions with the request of science and has also received praise. This has increased his value. al-Zamakhshari has always been a source of reference both in his own period and in his subsequent works with his works which he put forward. His works have been brought to light and scientific studies have shed light on the new works.

al-Zamakhshari, Khwarizm, Arabic literature.


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