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Social state or welfare state is a state form which foresees active and comprehensive interventions to the economy by the state to optimize the social welfare. Turkish social state understanding also transforms itself due to the developments in the world. Turkey approached to the changes in social welfare through long term development strategies to aim to preaper the infrastructure to the 21st century. Hence it designates the concepts of organized and structural arrangements through the developments of the most of the social welfare state based on the economics, social prerogotives and structural organizations as a state policy. Therefore; many states try to achive the goal to become an welfare state either related to economical or political aims. Besides, states take precautions to strengthen this structure that emerge welfare state by the instruments such as social security, health, education, housing and etc..Education is one of the most important facility among them to increase the information level individually. Education is a process including only the persons in micro level whereas in macro level it enhances the whole society. Education is, therefore a social phenomenon rather than individual. Education is also a facility to accelerate development besides individual transformation in contemporary world where economic, social and cultural changes are inevitable. This study aims to explore the developments in the education expenditatures. The study indicates that quantative and qualitative indicators related to education are improving. The study also shows Turkey can inevitably reach such an education level that improves equal opportunity, gives possibility for a healthier and a more equal individual development and contributes to a more effective work force for the markets if these quantative and qualitative indicators continue to improve.

Welfare State, Education, Education Expenditatures.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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