Hızlı Erişim

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In this study, the meaning of the pseudonym “Hâtifi”, its origin and the reasons why it was used so often by the Turkish classic poets of the 16th century were examined. Also information from biographic and scientific sources about these poets with this pseudonym was compiled. The wrong and/or contradictory were sorted out with the method of comparison. The biographies of poets with the pseudonym “Hâtifi” were recreated by making use of new discoveries from texts like “Râhatü’l-Ervâh”. So, six poets from the Turkish classic period of poetry using the pseudonym “Hâtifi” were detected. Poems and other sorts of work created by a poet pseudonymized “Hâtifi” were compiled by scanning poets’ biographies, poetry magazines, archived documents and the research done on these. The poets whose creators could be discovered exactly are shown with the information about “which ‘Hâtifi’ had written it” and the biography of the creator. It was obvious that Hâtifi from Niğde was the most productive “Hâtifi” among the artists with this pseudonym. The creators of 1 kaside, 1 müseddes, 2 kıta, 6 matla, 10 gazel and the work “Rahatü’l-Ervâh” could not be identified. The text “Rahatü’l-Ervâh” written by an artist with the pseudonym “Hâtifi” in 935 in Hama was examined as a separate subject. Especially the clues given by the work about the creator were researched. This work is presented to the attention of literatüre history researchers.

Hâtifi, sâkinâme, wine poetry, wine.


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