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Evaluation of the concept of afterlife in the religion course books of the republican period
During the Republican era, the concept of the afterlife in religious texts reflected the political, social, and educational changes of the time. The process of secularization, which began with the Law on the Unification of Education (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu) in 1924, necessitated the reorganization of religious education content. The belief in the afterlife was addressed in books through topics of morality and virtue, marking a transition from traditional Islamic education to a secular approach. After the 1950s, with the growing interest in religious values, the concept of the afterlife was incorporated into texts supported by the Qur'an and Hadith to promote individual morality and social order. In line with the principle of secularism, the aim was for students to understand the fundamental principles of religion with a critical and rational perspective.

Republican era, Concept of the afterlife, Course, Textbook


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