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Despite all the material developments in life, many new developments have taken place in ideas and language. In order to catch up with these developments in language, it is necessary to explore different methods, new theories and systems by conducting a scientific study on the sources of consumable science. The survival of any society depends on language. A society that loses its language is doomed to extinction. This article is a study that deals with the methods that emerged in the classical and contemporary sources in the language and consists of two parts. In the first part, both Halil b. Ahmed al-Ferahidi (d. 175/791), his student Sîbeveyhi (d. 180/796), al-Muberrid (d. 286/899), İbnü's-Serrâc (d. 316/929) as well as ancient language scholars as well as Jurjani (d. 471/1078), Sekkâkî (d. 626/ 1229) and İbnü'l-Hâcib (d. 646/1249) in the works of linguists, the sections related to consumable were examined. In the same way, the independent works written by important language scholars such as al-Hamelâvî (d. 1351/1932), er-Râcihî (d. 2010/1431) and al-Hâfız about the usage were also examined. In the second part of the study, the methods followed in the consumable resources that were examined in the first chapter were discussed from a scientific point of view, and different consumable methods were determined in the mentioned works.

Arabic, morphology, literature method, sources


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