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Nowadays, the widespread use of the internet due to constantly developing and changing technologies along with globalization has affected the way individuals and institutions do business. With the advancements in technology, e-commerce has gained importance and created a competitive environment for businesses. The ability of businesses to operate in a competitive environment is closely related to ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of their customers. The aim of this study is to reveal the factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce. Survey technique was used as a data collection tool in the research. The data was obtained by random sampling method from 301 people who had previously shopped online in Izmir. The data obtained in the research were analyzed with structural equation modeling. As a result of the research, it was revealed that customer satisfaction increased as the perception of the company regarding apologies, explanations, follow-ups and courtesy behaviors towards its e-commerce customers increased. Additionally, as a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the company's perceptions of the explanation and follow-up behavior of its e-commerce customers increased customer loyalty, while the perception of apologies and courtesy did not directly affect customers' loyalty to the business. It has been determined that customers' perceptions of apologies, explanations, follow-ups, and showing courtesy indirectly affect loyalty through their satisfaction with the business. In this context, it has been revealed that while customers' satisfaction with the business increases, their loyalty to the business also increases.

E-Commerce, Customer, Satisfaction, Loyalty


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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