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The British continued to dominate India and Egypt during World War I. However, regional governments could not agree among themselves on regional policy. In particular, the governments of Egypt, which was the priority of Lawrence, and India, led by T.E. Wilson, had differences of opinion among themselves about their Middle East policies. In these years of great changes in the Middle East, Britain, which is the most effective state, has benefited from these administrations under itself while making critical decisions for foreign policy in this period. Thus, the decisions and recommendations of the Cairo Arab Bureau and the Indian administration where RAJ is located were taken into consideration. In this study, the rivalry between these two structures to determine the British policy on the Ottoman lands after World War I will be discussed. While India (RAJ) advocates directing these lands to the British administration; The Cairo Arab Bureau wanted this process to be in ways that would seem a little more democratic. In short, these British colonial administrations did not think completely different from each other. In general, both parties thought the same about the Arab lands being their colonies after the expulsion of the Ottomans from the region. However, while RAJ was of the opinion that this exploitation should be dictated directly to the people, demonstrating state power and compelling them to obey regardless of their opinions, Cairo, which had closer relations with the Arabs, emphasized that it was important to give the image that the ideas of the local people were also effective in the administration. According to the ideas of the Cairo Arab Bureau, through the appointment of rulers to serve them, the idea of having a state among the people of the region will occur. So it will be easier to manage. The Indian administration emphasized that the region was directly colonized and that the thoughts of the local people were not important. However, the Cairo administration claimed that the "mandate" idea, which is also expressed as the "civilization of backward societies", was more suitable for British interests. Accordingly, it was expected that the imperialist ambitions of the West, would cease to be repulsive, with a new term. As a result of these conflicts in the administrations, the communication between them was broken, and the connection almost came to a halt, except for the correspondence over the central government. As a result of major revolts against the overly harsh ideas of the RAJ in Iraq and various places, the right to decide on the region passed into the hands of a team like Lawrence (Cairo), who knew the Arabs well and could communicate well with them. As a result of the revolt of the people of the region against the administration, the British Middle East policy began to take shape according to the views of the Cairo Arab Bureau.

Middle East, British Administration, RAJ, Arab Bureau.


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