The sociology of translation has undoubtedly emerged as the result of an attempt to open a new door to the dilemmas of translation and gathered speed in translation studies in the last decades. The sociology of translation tries to draw attention to the expanding environment by considering the translation phenomenon in different dimensions. The sociology of translation, which considers translation not as an individual act, but as a social act, tries to see the actors and mobilities in the background of translation by looking at translation from a holistic perspective by associating the translation phenomenon with the basic sociological concepts. At the same time, the sociology of translation emphasizes that translation is a phenomenon that extends beyond the text and emphasizes that it may be inadequate to treat translation with only the text dimensions.
The main reference of sociology of translation is Pierre Bourdieu and his basic concepts such as field, habitus, capital and doxa give direction the sociology of translation’s studies. With this concepts, all of the translation processes are tried to be considered with multiple action and multiple decisions dimension. Understanding the functioning of invisible structures and interpreting the actions of the actors in the background of translation with this concepts will provide a holistic approach to the translation phenomenon. In this study, firstly the basic concepts of Pierre Bourdieu and their relations with the translation phenomenon will be given, and then focused the translators, who take part in the background of translation.
Key words: Sociology of translation, Pierre Bourdieu, habitus, actor and translator.