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The countries which do not give much importance to the ongoing refugee problem for years opened their doors to the Syrian refugees after they had seen the dead body of baby Aylan who was washed up on the beach. Suddenly the world changed its mind with this tragic event which seems quite ordinary. The press made baby Aylan news for days, his caricatures were drawn. In this study the headlines used on the newspapers that were published after baby Aylan’s death and the view of the press to this event were analyzed. This event which suddenly alarmed the world and Turkey changed the policies of many countries against refugees. The aim of this study, on the basis of baby Aylan’s death which became the symbol of big dram, is to reveal the reflections of the difficulties that hundreds of thousands Syrians had been through on the ground of news made in Turkish press. On the basis of the study, the headlines that many newspapers wrote on Baby Aylan’s death were studied sociologically and analyzed by using content analysis technique. In the result of the study, Turkish press regarded the death of baby Aylan as the shame of Europe, emphasized that Europe had important responsibility for the tragedies which The Syrian refugees had been through during immigrations. Thus, after that bad / event, the west opened their doors to Syrian refugees to some extent. This event which instigated the world and Turkey changed the policies of many countries against refugees.

Syrian refugees, baby Aylan, press news, headline.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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