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It is a species with a concise utterance at the end which gives the various situations in metaphoric form over the animals of the Fables. If this is a fictional text, it can be used in critical reading. This study aims to determine the contribution of fables to critical reading education. For this purpose, the following sub-problems will be sought: “Can the fables' event patterns and discourses be used to improve their critical reading skills?” and “What are the situations in which pupils understand critical reading achievements in fables?”. Qualitative research model was used in the research. In this study data collection process is planned in four stages. At the first stage, Turkish Language Teaching Program 5th grade critical reading achievements were determined. In the second phase, the fences to be applied in the working group were determined. In the third stage, nine fables with the highest recall frequency were divided into three groups and the events and their discourses were compared to the critical reading acquired in the Program and the activities were prepared. In the 4th stage, the activities prepared with the group fables were applied to the study group to determine the understanding of critical reading achievements. The data were collected through a document review, descriptive analysis. In the first application, students' scores of critical reading skills were low. But, in the final application the scores are seen to be intermediate.

Children's Literature, Fabl, Critical Reading Education


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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