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Route Career

As a Ress® brand, it is available to both private and public institutions; We provide consultancy, training, planning and implementation services in the field of strategic communication in order to improve their corporate reputation to many leading "national and international" business partners in their sectors.

We pass through a process in which globalization gains momentum. This process of borders and borders of countries ...

Scientific developments abroad are increasing the importance of access to information every day.

 Being aware of this prejudice, we establish "Route Education and Social Science Journal" and see it as the first step in the academic sense of international opinion and satisfaction.


Our Mission

To direct life-long education for people in our region, our country and other countries; current and scientific knowledge; age, gender, religion, language, etc. without discrimination to all individuals and institutions.

In our opinion, every business made, life easier, new investments should serve this purpose. It is our belief that these two elements make life easier, because the reason why we choose education and education, which is the lifeblood of our modern life, is our investment.

Fatih Hanoğlu



Gelişmiş Arama




    Dear Academicians,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

Adres :Kemalpaşa Cd Arıtman Apt K.1 N.1 Antakya / HATAY
Telefon : Faks :
Eposta :ressjournal@gmail.com & articlesubmit@ressjournal.com

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