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Route Educational & Social Science Journal

This issue of RESSJOURNAL consists of the scientific studies prepared in interdisciplinary fields. The objective of RESSJOURNAL is to share distinctive, original and high-quality scientific publications with our distinguished readers and to present them for the benefit of the interested people. The journal fulfills the criteria for academic appointment and incentives and has been published regularly since 2014. We would like to express gratitude to the colleagues, authors, referees and members of the editorial board who made scientific and academic contributions to the journal, and we are anticipating their future contributions.

RESSJOURNAL -17.02.2017 16:12:30

Küreselleşmenin ivme/hız kazandığı bir süreçten geçiyoruz. Bu kıtaların ve ülkelerin sınırlarının kalktığı bir süreç. Yurt dışında yaşanan bilimsel gelişmeler bilgiye erişimin her geçen gün önemini arttırıyor.

Bu nedenle uluslararası kanaat ve tatmini ilk basamak olarak görmekteyiz.



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    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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Eposta :ressjournal@gmail.com & articlesubmit@ressjournal.com

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