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The European Union (EU) is a supranational structure with 28 member states.The decentralization insights of the countries that constitute the EU are not homogeneous. Due to the historical, political and administrative background differences, it is seen that the concept of decentralization differs in the EU countries andaccordingly the local government models are diversified in terms of organization, authority and financial structures. Some of the EU countries with different areas and populations have the characteristics of federal state, while some countries have unitary state characteristics.Although the political structures of the countries are different,strengthening of the decentralization policies is argued in the changes in EU legislation andin the decisions taken by the institutions and bodies. The formation of the Committee of the Regions in the institutional structure of the EU is accepted as a sign of the importance of decentralization.The belief that there is a strong link between decentralization and democracy prevents the EU from becoming indifferent to localization.The aim of our study is to examine the sense of decentralization in the EU countries within the framework mentioned above.The different level of decentralization of the countries within the same institutional structure is considered worthexamining.It is important to note how EU policies are effective in bringing member states closer to their understanding of decentralization.Moreover, the effect of the European Charter of Local Self Governmentadopted by member states and accepted as a reference indecentralizationpolicies, should not be overlooked.

European Union, decentralization, local governments.


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